1.  What is the likelihood that our application will be considered for a grant?

We receive many more applications than we can fund. We try to support as many organizations as our funds allow, however, it is not possible to fund every request. Only charities with a Canada Revenue Agency registration will be considered.

 2.  What grant amounts are made?

Our average grant is between $1,000 and $2,000 dollars.

3.  What is your granting cycle?

Our Board meets twice annually to allocate grants, typically in mid-March and mid-September. Application deadlines are the last business day in February and the last business day in August. Late submissions will not be accepted. Grant applications along with audited financial statements must be mailed to our office as online applications are not accepted.

4.  How often can a charity apply to your Foundation?

A charity can only apply once in a calendar year.

5.  What are your funding interests?

We normally fund Calgary-based charities in such areas as:  arts & culture, health & welfare, social services, youth development and animal welfare.  We do not fund capital campaigns, politics, religion, salaries, travel and feasibility studies.